Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Staying Healthy

I'm catching up on my medical care after several years of neglecting my health as I dealt with house sales, moving 1200 miles back and forth.

In the last year I've had blood tests, a mammogram, a bone mineral density test; an ultrasound of my liver, gall bladder and stomach, and a varicose vein ultrasound.

I currently have 6 doctors: a family physician, a physician specializing in varicose veins, a hematologist, a dermatologist, a podiatrist, and a dentist.

 I must wear these thigh high compression 
               tights even in 95-degree heat.

Diagnoses so far:

No breast cancer,

No osteoporosis,

No gall stones,

No detectible cancer,

No skin cancer.

I do, however, have:

Varicose veins, 

Blood clots in one leg,

One DVT (deep vein thrombosis) which has resolved itself,

Two very small pulmonary emboli in one lung,

And a broken molar.

I'm taking blood thinner medication, wear thigh high compression socks, and try to walk every day to exercise my calf muscles to increase circulation in my legs. I'm told I should have my superficial leg veins closed to stop more blood clots from forming.

We're till trying to determine what is causing the blood clots. Doctors speculate it could have been from having Covid Pneumonia for six weeks in early 2020. 

My next appointment is with a podiatrist to discover the cause of my heel pain. I could walk farther if it didn't hurt so much to walk.

I've been putting off the dentist because I'm not in pain, I don't have dental insurance, and the bill will likely be about $5,000. Dentists here are expensive, just because they can be. (I need to save up that money first.)

All in all, I'm in reasonably good health for my age.

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